Testimonial 1

What a memorable adventure! Our driver was knowledgeable and paid attention to detail. We were able to have a stunning scenery, we saw plenty of wild animals on our trip to Amboseli where we saw the snow-capped Mt. Kilimanjaro. We had lunch at one of the Park’s lovely lodges. I would highly suggest a trip with Gleam Safaris to any destination in East Africa.

Joash N.

East African Circuit Group 2 Client (2024)

Testimonial Joash

Testimonials 2

An amazing once in a lifetime experience! The accommodation, food and staff were amazing. We booked the luxury 6 day Kenyan Safari. We emailed Irene and she was so nice and even suggested further activities to be done in each destination. Each park had something different to offer and we were able to see all animals! The trip was made by our guide Peter who was amazing, super-friendly and experienced. I would recommend Gleam Safaris anytime.

Phoebe W.

Tembea Kenya Group 4 Client (2024)

Testimonial 3

Such a great trip to Mt. Kenya! Thanks to Irene-who arranged our itinerary, Peter- our guide and the rest of the staff at the hotels we spent in. The team did everything possible to ensure a smooth ascent to the peak.

Virginia M

Tembea Kenya Group 1 Client (2023)

Testimonials 4

I would highly recommend Gleam Safaris company which took care of us from picking us from the airport, ensured that the hotels we spent in were comfortable and walked with us through our whole 9 day tour across the parks. Irene made sure that everything was taken care of until our very last day.

Clement J

International Client (2024)

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